

If you’re not sure why you should use retries in general or stamina in particular, head over to Motivation first.


The easiest way to add smart retries to your code is to decorate a callable with stamina.retry():

import httpx

import stamina

@stamina.retry(on=httpx.HTTPError, attempts=3)
def do_it(code: int) -> httpx.Response:
    resp = httpx.get(f"https://httpbin.org/status/{code}")

    return resp

# reveal_type(do_it)
# note: Revealed type is "def (code: builtins.int) -> httpx._models.Response"

This will retry the function up to 3 times if it raises an httpx.HTTPError (or any subclass thereof). Since retrying on Exception is an attractive nuisance, stamina doesn’t do it by default and forces you to be explicit.

To give you observability of your application’s retrying, stamina will count the retries using prometheus-client in the stamina_retries_total counter (if installed) and log them out using structlog with a fallback to logging.

Arbitrary Code Blocks#

Sometimes you only want to retry a part of a function.

Since iterators can’t catch exceptions and context managers can’t execute the same block multiple times, we need to combine them to achieve that. stamina gives you the stamina.retry_context() iterator which yields the necessary context managers:

for attempt in stamina.retry_context(on=httpx.HTTPError):
    with attempt:
        resp = httpx.get(f"https://httpbin.org/status/404")


Async works with the same functions and arguments – you just have to use async functions and async for:

import datetime as dt

    on=httpx.HTTPError, attempts=3, timeout=dt.timedelta(seconds=10)
async def do_it_async(code: int) -> httpx.Response:
    async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
        resp = await client.get(f"https://httpbin.org/status/{code}")

    return resp

# reveal_type(do_it_async)
# note: Revealed type is "def (code: builtins.int) -> typing.Coroutine[Any, Any, httpx._models.Response]"

async def with_block(code: int) -> httpx.Response:
    async for attempt in stamina.retry_context(on=httpx.HTTPError, attempts=3):
        with attempt:
            async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
                resp = await client.get(f"https://httpbin.org/status/{code}")

    return resp

Note how you can also pass datetime.timedelta objects to timeout, wait_initial, wait_max, and wait_jitter.

Deactivating Retries Globally#

Occasionally, turning off retries globally is handy – for instance, in tests. stamina has two helpers for controlling and inspecting whether retrying is active: stamina.is_active() and stamina.set_active() (it’s idempotent: you can call set_active(True) as many times as you want in a row). For example, here’s a pytest fixture that automatically turns off retries at the beginning of a test run:

import pytest

@pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope="session")
def deactivate_retries():