The Need for Retries¶
Retries are essential for making distributed systems resilient. Transient errors are unavoidable and can happen for the wildest reasons:
A network hiccup.
A remote service being deployed.
A remote service being overloaded.
A remote service crashed and is booting back up.
A cluster manager decided to reshuffle your containers.
And sometimes, one never finds out because a cosmic ray flipped a memory bit. The bigger the scale, the more likely it is that something will go wrong – but the chance is never zero.
The Dangers of Retries¶
However, retries are also very dangerous if done naïvely. Simply repeating an operation until it succeeds can lead to cascading failures and thundering herds and ultimately take down your whole system, just because a database had a brief hiccup.
You must wait between your retries: this is called a backoff.
You can’t retry simultaneously with all your clients, so you must introduce randomness into your backoff: a jitter.
You must not retry forever. Sometimes, a remote service is down indefinitely, and you must deal with it.
But how long should you back off? The failure could be a network hiccup, so 100ms? Maybe an application was just being deployed, so let’s do 1 second? But what if it’s a database that’s overloaded? Then maybe 10 seconds? And so forth.
The answer is: You do all of those. You start with a small backoff and increase it exponentially, adding a random jitter.
That’s what stamina does by default: It starts with 100 milliseconds and increases exponentially by 2 until it reaches 5 seconds where it stays until 45 seconds or 10 attempts have passed. A jitter between 0 and 1 second is added at every step until it reaches the maximum of 5 seconds.
Or, more formally:
That means that, by default, the first backoff is no longer than 1.1 seconds, and the last is no longer than 5 seconds. Note that no jitter is added once the maximum timeout is reached; there should be enough variance in the backoff due to the jitter added underway.
You can tune all these parameters to your liking, but the defaults are a good starting point.
I hope you’re now all motivated and ready to jump into our Tutorial!
Supplemental Literature¶
The Exponential Backoff And Jitter article on the AWS Architecture Blog is a good explanation of the basics with pretty graphs.
Resiliency in Distributed Systems takes a broader view and explains how to build resilient systems in general.
And finally, I’ve given a talk at PyCon US 2017 called Solid Snakes or: How to Take 5 Weeks of Vacation that addresses the various aspects to take care of to… take five weeks of (uninterrupted!) vacation. This one has a stronger focus on Python and working at a smaller scale.