API Reference

stamina.retry(*, on, attempts=10, timeout=45.0, wait_initial=0.1, wait_max=5.0, wait_jitter=1.0, wait_exp_base=2.0)[source]

Retry if one of configured exceptions are raised.

The backoff delays between retries grow exponentially plus a random jitter.

The backoff for retry attempt number attempt is computed as:

\[min(wait\_max, wait\_initial * wait\_exp\_base^{attempt - 1} + random(0, wait\_jitter))\]

Since \(x^0\) is always 1, the first backoff is within the interval \([wait\_initial,wait\_initial+wait\_jitter]\). Thus, with default values between 0.1 and 1.1 seconds.

If all retries fail, the last exception is let through.

All float-based time parameters are in seconds.

  • on (Type[Exception] | Tuple[Type[Exception], ...] | Callable[[Exception], bool]) –

    An Exception or a tuple of Exceptions on which the decorated callable will be retried.

    You can also pass a predicate in the form of a callable that takes an exception and returns a bool which decides whether the exception should be retried – True meaning yes.

    This allows more fine-grained control over when to retry. For example, to only retry on HTTP errors in the 500s range that indicate server errors, but not those in the 400s which indicate a client error.

    There is no default – you must pass this explicitly.

  • attempts (int | None) – Maximum total number of attempts. Can be combined with timeout.

  • timeout (float | timedelta | None) – Maximum total time for all retries. Can be combined with attempts.

  • wait_initial (float | timedelta) – Minimum backoff before the first retry.

  • wait_max (float | timedelta) – Maximum backoff time between retries at any time.

  • wait_jitter (float | timedelta) – Maximum jitter that is added to retry back-off delays (the actual jitter added is a random number between 0 and wait_jitter)

  • wait_exp_base (float) – The exponential base used to compute the retry backoff.

Changed in version 23.1.0: All time-related parameters can now be specified as a datetime.timedelta.

Added in version 23.3.0: Trio support.

Added in version 24.3.0: on can be a callable now.

stamina.retry_context(on, attempts=10, timeout=45.0, wait_initial=0.1, wait_max=5.0, wait_jitter=1.0, wait_exp_base=2.0)[source]

Iterator that yields context managers that can be used to retry code blocks.

Arguments have the same meaning as for stamina.retry().

Added in version 23.1.0.

Added in version 23.3.0: Trio support.

class stamina.Attempt(attempt, next_wait_fn)[source]

A context manager that can be used to retry code blocks.

Instances are yielded by the stamina.retry_context() iterator.

Added in version 23.2.0.

property next_wait: float

The number of seconds of backoff before the next attempt if this attempt fails.


This value does not include a possible random jitter and is therefore just a lower bound of the actual value.

Added in version 24.3.0.

property num: int

The number of the current attempt.

class stamina.RetryingCaller(attempts=10, timeout=45.0, wait_initial=0.1, wait_max=5.0, wait_jitter=1.0, wait_exp_base=2.0)[source]

Call your callables with retries.

Arguments have the same meaning as for stamina.retry().


Instances of RetryingCaller may be reused because they internally create a new retry_context() iterator on each call.

Added in version 24.2.0.

For example:

def do_something_with_url(url, some_kw):
    resp = httpx.get(url).raise_for_status()

rc = stamina.RetryingCaller(attempts=5)

rc(httpx.HTTPError, do_something_with_url, f"https://httpbin.org/status/404", some_kw=42)

# Equivalent:
bound_rc = rc.on(httpx.HTTPError)

bound_rc(do_something_with_url, f"https://httpbin.org/status/404", some_kw=42)

Both calls to rc and bound_rc run

do_something_with_url(f"https://httpbin.org/status/404", some_kw=42)

and retry on httpx.HTTPError.

__call__(on, callable_, /, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Call callable_(*args, **kw) with retries if on is raised.

on(on, /)[source]

Create a new instance of BoundRetryingCaller with the same parameters, but bound to a specific exception type.

Added in version 24.2.0.

class stamina.BoundRetryingCaller(caller, on)[source]

Same as RetryingCaller, but pre-bound to a specific exception type.


Returned by RetryingCaller.on() – do not instantiate directly.

Added in version 24.2.0.

__call__(callable_, /, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Same as RetryingCaller.__call__(), except retry on the exception that is bound to this instance.

class stamina.AsyncRetryingCaller(attempts=10, timeout=45.0, wait_initial=0.1, wait_max=5.0, wait_jitter=1.0, wait_exp_base=2.0)[source]

Same as RetryingCaller, but for async callables.

Added in version 24.2.0.

async __call__(on, callable_, /, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Same as RetryingCaller.__call__(), but callable_ is awaited.

on(on, /)[source]

Create a new instance of BoundAsyncRetryingCaller with the same parameters, but bound to a specific exception type.

Added in version 24.2.0.

class stamina.BoundAsyncRetryingCaller(caller, on)[source]

Same as BoundRetryingCaller, but for async callables.


Returned by AsyncRetryingCaller.on() – do not instantiate directly.

Added in version 24.2.0.

async __call__(callable_, /, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Same as AsyncRetryingCaller.__call__(), except retry on the exception that is bound to this instance.

Activation and deactivation


Activate or deactivate retrying.

Is idempotent and can be called repeatedly with the same value.


Check whether retrying is active.


Whether retrying is active.

Return type:



See also


stamina.set_testing(testing, *, attempts=1, cap=False)[source]

Activate or deactivate test mode.

In testing mode, backoffs are disabled, and attempts are set to attempts.

If cap is True, the number of attempts is not set but capped at attempts. This means that if attempts is greater than the number of attempts specified by the user, the user’s value is used.

Is idempotent and can be called repeatedly with the same values.

Added in version 24.3.0.

Added in version 25.1.0: cap


Check whether test mode is enabled.

Added in version 24.3.0.



Set hooks that are called after a retry has been scheduled.


hooks (Iterable[RetryHook | RetryHookFactory] | None) – Hooks to call after a retry has been scheduled. Passing None resets to default. To deactivate instrumentation, pass an empty iterable.

Added in version 23.2.0.


Get hooks that are called after a retry has been scheduled.


Hooks that will run if a retry is scheduled. Factories are called if they haven’t already.

Return type:

tuple[RetryHook, …]

Added in version 23.2.0.

class stamina.instrumentation.RetryHook[source]

A callable that gets called after an attempt has failed and a retry has been scheduled.

This is a typing.Protocol that can be implemented by any callable that takes one argument of type RetryDetails and returns None.

Added in version 23.2.0.

For example:

def print_hook(details: stamina.instrumentation.RetryDetails) -> None:
    print("a retry has been scheduled!", details)

class stamina.instrumentation.RetryHookFactory(hook_factory)[source]

Wraps a callable that returns a RetryHook.

They are called on the first scheduled retry and can be used to delay initialization. If you need to pass arguments, you can do that using functools.partial().

Added in version 23.2.0.

For example, if your instrumentation needs to import a module something_expensive which takes a long time to import, you can delay it until the first retry (or call to stamina.instrumentation.get_on_retry_hooks()):

from stamina.instrumentation import RetryHookFactory, RetryDetails

 def init_with_expensive_import():
     import something_expensive

     def do_something(details: RetryDetails) -> None:

     return do_something

class stamina.instrumentation.RetryDetails(name, args, kwargs, retry_num, wait_for, waited_so_far, caused_by)[source]

Details about a retry attempt that are passed into RetryHooks.


Name of the callable that is being retried.




Positional arguments that were passed to the callable.


tuple[object, …]


Keyword arguments that were passed to the callable.


dict[str, object]


Number of the retry attempt. Starts at 1 after the first failure.




Time in seconds that stamina will wait before the next attempt.




Time in seconds that stamina has waited so far for the current callable.




Exception that caused the retry attempt.



Added in version 23.2.0.



Pass this object to stamina.instrumentation.set_on_retry_hooks() to activate structlog integration.

Is active by default if structlog can be imported.

See also


Added in version 23.2.0.


Pass this object to stamina.instrumentation.set_on_retry_hooks() to activate logging integration.

Is active by default if structlog can not be imported.

Added in version 23.2.0.


Pass this object to stamina.instrumentation.set_on_retry_hooks() to activate Prometheus integration.

Is active by default if prometheus-client can be imported.

See also


Added in version 23.2.0.


Return the Prometheus counter for the number of retries.


If active, the Prometheus counter for the number of retries. None otherwise.

Return type:

Counter | None

Added in version 23.2.0.