
Testing code with retry logic can be tricky, so stamina provides dedicated testing helpers that allow you to affect retrying behavior globally.

Turn off retries

The easiest way is to turn off retries using stamina.set_active():

import pytest
import stamina

@pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope="session")
def deactivate_retries():

This is a great approach when you’re only using our decorator-based API.

Limiting retries

Added in version 24.3.0.

When you need more control, you can use the iterator-based APIs around stamina.retry_context().

In that case, triggering retries and testing what happens can make sense. However, you don’t want the backoff and probably want to avoid going to the full number of attempts – otherwise, your test suite will run forever.

For this use-case, stamina comes with a dedicated testing mode that turns off backoff and caps retries – by default to a single attempt: stamina.set_testing().

Therefore, this script will only print “trying 1” and “trying 2” very quickly and raise a ValueError:

import stamina

stamina.set_testing(True)  # no backoff, 1 attempt
stamina.set_testing(True, attempts=2)  # no backoff, 2 attempts

for attempt in stamina.retry_context(on=ValueError, attempts=1_000):
    with attempt:
        print("trying", attempt.num)
        raise ValueError("nope")

stamina.set_testing(False)  # back to business as usual